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Pilates versus Yoga

Pilates versus Yoga

Although completely different in intent, there are many cross-overs and benefits between Pilates and Yoga. Each lifestyle (or method) has proponents eager to tell you why their method is better than the other.

Injury Hotspots for Office Workers

Injury Hotspots for Office Workers

The Victorian government’s WorkSafe website has a great tool that summarises and suggests ways to avoid the most common workplace injuries for workers in different sectors. The convenient interactive tool allows you to see what injuries are most common for your industry. As an example, the Injury Hotspots for Office Workers is displayed below: Perhaps you’ve already suffered one of these…
Osteopathy Awareness Week

Osteopathy Awareness Week

Did you know that April 16–22 this year was Osteopathy Awareness Week? If you’ve made your way to this blog, then chances are you’re already aware of what Osteopathy is, however many people aren’t, with the practice being still relatively young – in Australia, at least.