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Bike Fitting Interview With Simon Coffin

The sun is shining, the magpies are swooping and the blossoms are blooming – this can only mean one thing: spring is in the air and it’s time to dust off the bike and get out for some well needed fresh air! For many of us, winter sees the road bike being packed away in a corner or perhaps locked into a wind trainer.…

The Secret to Getting Good Sleep Every Night

The Secret to Getting Good Sleep Every Night

This week we are pleased to present some very informative tips on how to get the most from your sleep. These tips come to us from Regal Sleep Solutions, a local manufacturer of high-quality custom designed mattresses. REGULATE YOUR SLEEPING PATTERNS Set a regular bedtime: Go to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time when you normally feel tired, so that…

The Melbourne Marathon Festival…Are You Competing?

The Melbourne Marathon Festival…Are You Competing?

With under five weeks to go until the annual Melbourne Marathon, the biggest marathon in Australia, an increasing number of Melbournians are now out and about running. With a large selection of event choices available, all the way from the full 42km run to a 3km walk, it’s easy to see how this event has gone from just 2000 competitors in 1978, to…
Making The Most Of Your Spiky Ball

Making The Most Of Your Spiky Ball

  What are spiky balls? Simply put, the spiky ball is a life changer. They are our number one rehabilitation aid, and you’ll find a basket of them at our reception desk. Whilst prickly and firm on the outside, these tough little nuggets will quickly become your favourite sidekick once you’ve got some simple techniques under your belt.  Spiky balls…

A Healthier Life for All: Interview with Triathlete Dan Kelly

Every day at Melbourne Osteopathy Sports Injury Centre we genuinely relate what we are doing to creating a ‘a healthier life for all’. This phrase is a large part of the vision that everyone at our Centre has agreed to work towards achieving each and every day. The phrase ‘a healthier life for all’ is our promise to our community. It is the drive behind our core values: Customer Service Excellence…