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Pain as A Protector

Pain as A Protector

By Dr Julia Adams (Osteopath) Pain can really be a pain (pardon the pun). But it exists for a reason – pain is designed to protect us. It is our body's way of telling us that something is up and that we need to change our behavior. If we didn’t feel pain when we damaged our bodies, we wouldn’t have…
Osteopath Vs Chiropractor: When You Should Use Each?

Osteopath Vs Chiropractor: When You Should Use Each?

Have you ever thought to yourself, “What is the difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath?” The difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath can often seem a little tricky to define. Indeed, chiropractors and osteopaths both commonly share similar roles and responsibilities. However, the main difference between these two is that osteopaths generally provide a whole-body, holistic service, while…

What’s the difference between an osteopath and a physiotherapist?

What’s the difference between an osteopath and a physiotherapist?

One of the most common questions we get asked by our clients is “what’s the difference between an Osteopath and a Physiotherapist?” While it’s true that they are both practitioners who assess, treat, and manage clients’ aches and pains, they utilize very different approaches. Hopefully, this guide will help you decide which practitioner would be most suitable for you. OSTEOPATHY…

How can Osteopathy help relieve headaches?

How can Osteopathy help relieve headaches?

Headaches come in many different forms that most of us are familiar with. To prevent reoccurring headaches from becoming chronic and debilitating it is important to get a diagnosis from a qualified health professional, such as your GP or Osteopath. Here are just a few examples of the most common types of headache presentations. Tension-Type Headache (TTH): This is the…

How to help Sciatica during pregnancy

How to help Sciatica during pregnancy

As an Osteopath, Sciatica is one of the most common presentations we see during pregnancy. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that originates in the lower back, travels down the glutes, and down the back of the legs toward your foot. Pain along the sciatic nerve distribution can occur at any time of life and is referred to as…

Pilates for Golfers

Pilates for Golfers

Whether it’s twisting the body on a drive, rotating the hips during a back swing, or squatting down to pick up the golf ball, golfers are constantly twisting and turning their bodies. Golf requires your dominant side to constantly reproduce the same swing over and over, several times per hole for several hours at a time. Not surprisingly, this can…

What Are the Benefits of Good Posture?

What Are the Benefits of Good Posture?

Two years ago this topic would have been a lot less relevant. However, with such a large percentage of us now working remotely this is something we can no longer ignore. Working from home has made good posture ever more important. WFH is such a relatively recent development for most of us, that our bodies have not been conditioned to…