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10 things you should know about acupuncture

10 things you should know about acupuncture

  Acupuncture is an ancient technique with an oriental heritage, but today it is practised all over the world. To practice acupuncture in Australia you must have a bachelor degree in acupuncture and you must be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Acupuncture differs from dry needling in many ways, however one primary difference is that after…
Selecting the Correct Bicycle Saddle

Selecting the Correct Bicycle Saddle

Bike fit specialists Kinetic Bike Fitting operate out of Melbourne Osteopathy Sports Injury Centre’s versatile studio space. Ross Hamilton from Kinetic Bike Fitting has put together this detailed article about selecting the correct saddle for your road bike. Saddles are one of the most often overlooked components on a bicycle. However, of all the investments you can make on your bike, a great seat—matched to your body—is…