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Improving Sleep

Osteopath, Dr Natasha Paunovic presents some simple and helpful tips for improving the quality of your sleep. 1. Exercise Exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality. Exercise improves the body’s circadian rhythms, which results in greater daytime alertness and increased sleepiness at night. This response is not instantaneous, with improved sleep linked to regular routine exercise over several weeks or even…

Gait Analysis

Gait Analysis

Gait is defined as the pattern of movement of the limbs, during locomotion over a stable surface. So basically, how you walk and run. Gait analysis is recognised as a clinically useful tool to evaluate medical disorders, and biomechanical faults and help direct treatment and rehabilitation (Sheldon, 2004). Any pain can result in altered gait, often relying on short-term compensations to keep you running or…

Tips For Better Sleep – Part 2

Tips For Better Sleep – Part 2

Following on from last week’s post, here is part 2 of our series on Tips for Better Sleep from Dr Brendan O’Louglin (Osteopath). TROUBLE FALLING ASLEEP Only go to bed when sleepy: If you don’t fall sleep within 15 minutes then get up, move to another room and read or listen to relaxing music until you feel drowsy, then return to bed. When you are…

Tips For Better Sleep – Part 1

Tips For Better Sleep – Part 1

We are always told by our mother, our doctor or any health professional that good nutrition, regular exercise, and restful sleep are the keys to good health and happiness. When sleep is lacking it will cause issues such as illness, emotional unrest, fatigue and general underperformance, just to name a few. Good sleep is also often a simple and speedy…

Osteopathic Treatment Yields Positive Outcomes for Lower Back Pain

Osteopathic Treatment Yields Positive Outcomes for Lower Back Pain

For anybody out there interested in scientific studies, this paper was published early in 2013 about the outcomes of Osteopathic treatment for lower back pain. Outcomes of osteopathic manual treatment for chronic low back pain according to baseline pain severity: Results from the OSTEOPATHIC Trial The study consisted of over 400 patients with varying degrees of lower back pain…

Good Fat Diets For Athletes

Good Fat Diets For Athletes

THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD FATS IN OUR DIET – PARTICULARLY FOR ENDURANCE TRAINING Something that has historically gotten a bad rap in the media is a diet rich in fat. Although this is somewhat true, the important factor is actually the type of fats that are being consumed. Fats play an integral role in everyone’s nutrition, especially those whom are…

Athletic Benefits of Myotherapy & Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage and Myotherapy can treat a variety of ailments and injuries that may occur as a result of exercise, athletic training or over-use. Treatment can also assist you to train more efficiently and improve performance outcomes. Myotherapy assesses and physically treats myofascial pain and injury that may affect movement and mobility. It involves predominately deep soft tissue massage as…