Author page: Dr Natasha Paunovic

Treating The Jaw With Osteopathy

Treating The Jaw With Osteopathy

Many people are often surprised to find out that Osteopaths treat the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), more commonly known as the jaw. However, there are a number of excellent reasons that an Osteopath may assess and treat the jaw HEADACHES TEMPORAL HEADACHES The temporalis muscle spans the temporal region and tight bands called trigger points often exist within this muscle. The…

Food Cravings

Food Cravings

We found this article recently that explains what certain food cravings might be trying to tell you. You can read the full article here. “Intense food cravings can be a sign you’re deficient in certain nutrients.” It covers all the classic cravings like chocolate, lollies, meat and carbs as well as some more obscure ones like ice and cheese. If…
Understanding Healing – Inflammation is not the “bad guy”

Understanding Healing – Inflammation is not the “bad guy”

Recently there has been some debate about the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) theory for the treatment of acute injuries. In one article, Josh Stone postulates that ice is overused, suggesting that it may inhibit healing because it reduces inflammation. Inflammation is a natural and necessary part of the healing process. Let’s visit the four phases of healing. BLEEDING: Bleeding…
Osteoporosis Risk Factors

Osteoporosis Risk Factors

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and can fracture with minimal trauma, such as a rib fracture caused by sneezing. There are many factors that can influence your risk of Osteoporosis. Some of these are not changeable, including age (>50), gender (female post-menopausal), family history, early onset of menopause, long term corticosteroid use, small frame size and…

Improving Sleep

Osteopath, Dr Natasha Paunovic presents some simple and helpful tips for improving the quality of your sleep. 1. Exercise Exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality. Exercise improves the body’s circadian rhythms, which results in greater daytime alertness and increased sleepiness at night. This response is not instantaneous, with improved sleep linked to regular routine exercise over several weeks or even…

Is Sitting Cross Legged Causing You Pain?

For many people, prolonged sitting in today’s world can lead to uncomfortable physical symptoms, especially if you have a habit of sitting with one leg crossed over the other. Whether you’re sitting with your leg over your knee, legs crossed, or crossing your legs, it can cause pain and discomfort in your hips, pelvis, and lower back. Simply placing the…

Are High Heels Causing You Pain?

High heels, the not-so-ultimate fashion accessory! While some believe “beauty is pain,” how much pain and long term damage are you willing to endure? Slide into a pair of high heels and postural changes occur instantaneously. The low back becomes more arched, the upper body leans forward, the buttocks stick backwards, knees are slightly flexed, weight shifts to the front…