3 Benefits of Combining Gait Analysis with Treatment

1. Determine if there is a technique or biomechanical deficiency maintaining the injury
2. Investigate possible causative factors of the injury which may re-occur when returning to sport
3. Improve performance and potentially reduce risk of Annual future injury

1. Determine if there is a technique or biomechanical deficiency maintaining the injury.

Time spent in the consultation room can be valuable to work on sore areas and to provide an opportunity to educate on how to minimise injury risk by managing training load and implementing strength and mobility training. However, there may be a missing piece of the injury puzzle if the actual activity where the injury has been occurring is overlooked. This is why it is important cheap NFL jerseys to watch people run. With access to high speed cameras and movement analysis software this task has become much more accessible and faster to get informative feedback from. It is amazing how easy people can pick their own technique floors running when given the opportunity to watch themselves run in slow motion.


2. Investigate possible causative factors of the injury which may re-occur when returning to sport

If you don’t change anything, then nothing will change. wholesale NBA jerseys If there is a technique floor which overloads a muscle, tendon or joint and a the person stops running, settles the pain, then returns to running as they have previously it is likely the injury will return at some point. Running –retraining has been shown to be effective in reducing patellofemoral pain. Through experience in treating similar injuries and knowledge of current research and experience in applying changes to running form practitioners can help you change what may have caused, been wholesale MLB jerseys contributing to, or maintaining your injury.


3. Improve performance and potentially reduce risk of future injury

Having an experienced practitioner analyze your running can help identify areas to maximize efficiency. The more efficient you can run, the longer and faster you will be able to go. Common inefficiencies include taking larger steps (picture below), landing with your foot far out in front of you, having a slow step rate or cadence. By using video feedback Pflege we can fast track changes in running to optimize efficiency through technique. By running and having live visual feedback people are able to help self correct technique once they have been educated in what to look for. Most changes will aim to reduce excess load on injured tissues and improve performance. Areas of muscle weakness can be identified so that strength training can be streamlined to assist in making technique changes Closure and improve performance.




If you have any further questions about gait re-training you can ask in contact Form or if would like to book a gait analysis you can do so here.


Dr Brendan O’Loughlin (Osteopath) competed his masters investigating how different type of footwear can change running biomechanics.