The benefits of incorporating skipping into your workouts

Firstly, I’d just like to be clear that this is not about skipping your workouts, but incorporating skipping INTO your workouts. It’s a subtle difference, but can have drastically different outcomes!

Recently, I started including skipping into my workouts and it’s been a really fun addition. I also found out there are many benefits for your body and overall wellbeing.

Here are some articles that I’ve come across exploring the benefits of skipping.

7 Amazing Skipping Benefits: From a Healthy Heart to a Beautiful Skin

From obvious benefits like improving your heart rate, toning muscles and losing weight, it also includes some that I hadn’t thought of such as improving the skin and bone density.

Is Skipping a Good Way to Lose Weight?

Unsurprisingly, the answer is a definitive, YES! It’s recommended to skip for at least 30-minutes to increase the weight loss benefits.

If you need more convincing, here are a heap of other great reasons to get a rope and starting incorporating regular skipping in your exercise program.

12 reasons to do a skipping workout

The tagline says it all in this article from Cosmopolitan: ‘Skipping is one of the cheapest, most effective, fat burning workouts you can do. And it’s fun too. What’s stopping you?’

Some of the most interesting benefits include:

  • ‘One hour of rope skipping will burn up to 1,300 calories.’
  • ’10 minutes of skipping can have the same health benefits as a 45-minute run.’
  • ‘Skipping is less jolting on your joints than running.’
  • ‘Once you’ve bought your rope, skipping is a zero-cost workout.’

Check out the rest in the full article.

Fiona Dick is part of the MOSIC customer service, administration and reception team. Like everyone at MOSIC, she values the benefits of an active lifestyle and regular exercise. If you would like to speak one of our practitioners about skipping, your exercise program or creating a healthier lifestyle, then please feel free to ask a question, contact us or email us at: [email protected]