Author page: Ashley Hayat

Metro Melbourne COVID-19 Update – 28/09/2020

Metro Melbourne COVID-19 Update – 28/09/2020

As of Monday the 28th of September you can have treatment to: Prevent a significant deterioration in you function independence which would result in an escalation of care needs (Such as increased frequency in treatment, a significant increase in pain, specialist input, or a substantial increase in recovery time as a result of delayed care. Assessment and diagnosis, particularly for…

Pilates versus Yoga

Pilates versus Yoga

Although completely different in intent, there are many cross-overs and benefits between Pilates and Yoga. Each lifestyle (or method) has proponents eager to tell you why their method is better than the other.

A Guide to Bad Posture

I work at a health clinic that provides Osteopathy, Pilates, Remedial Massage and Yoga. Specifically – Melbourne Osteopathy Sports Injury Centre – you might have heard of it. But then again, you might not have…I probably haven’t heard of where you work (unless you’re employed by Facebook or one of those companies that do the ‘cheap Viagra’ deals). People naturally imagine that because I work at this centre…