What does an Osteopath Actually Do?

As an Osteopath, a question I come across on a daily basis is “What does an Osteopath actually do?” or perhaps “What is the difference between an Osteopath, a Physiotherapist, and a Chiropractor?”

People commonly believe that an Osteopath is half way between a Physio and a Chiro. Although it is true that Osteopaths use a variety of techniques, including manipulation, the real differences between the three modalities lie in their philosophical approach to healthcare.

The defining feature of Osteopathy, particularly how it is practiced at Melbourne Osteopathy Sports Injury Centre, is that we focus on the body as a unit. As such, we hold that the cause of someone’s pain may stem from a completely different location to where the complaint is. For example, if a client presents with chronic lower back pain, my job is to interview the entire body to ascertain whether somewhere else in the system is putting excessive stress through the painful area. Our Osteopaths focus on finding the root cause of the problem, and pride ourselves on treating chronic, complex presentations.

In order to achieve this, we employ a variety of techniques including manipulation, soft tissue, mobilisations, stretching and rehabilitation. The application of a technique is only useful in the presence of a thorough history, extensive examination, and an understanding of how an individual’s body moves as a chain.

We have a broad range of Osteopaths at MOSIC with a diverse range of skills and techniques, but we are all united by our passion to find the root cause of our client’s problem.

Finally, if you would like to find out more about the difference between an osteopath vs a chiropractor, click here!

If you would like to speak to Dr David Sokoloff or one of our other practitioners about how Osteopathy could assist with your health and wellbeing, please feel free to ask a question, contact us or email us at:

[email protected]